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DataFlex in the Cloud

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Data Access Worldwide announced their plans for supporting cloud based working at the DataFlex International Software Developers (DISD) Conference in March 2014.

‘Cloud’ is here to stay, changing the fundamental way in which we work and making private servers a thing of the past.

What is the DataFlex Cloud?

Data Access have responded to the Cloud explosion by offering their DataFlex Cloud solution to help simplify and reduce the cost of deploying DataFlex web applications in the Cloud.

The DataFlex Cloud will initially provide pre-configured, software environment, including:

  • DataFlex WebApp Servers
  • DataFlex Windows and Web Clients
  • optionally, Report Writer, Connectivity Kits and Dynamic AI

Why use the DataFlex Cloud?

The aim is to make it as easy and cost efficient as possible for developers to deploy, scale and manage their software applications in a managed environment.

End users will no longer need to worry about the expense and technical issues associated with having their own hardware. Developers will be able to focus on developing software, confident that web based working will provide a smooth path for deployment and infrastructure.

Private servers were great when there was no alternative. However, now they represent a cost that’s unaffordable and unreasonable for the future. Why buy more hardware for your system requirements when you can simply use a pay-as-you-go basis?

Wave Good Bye to perpetual licences – Say Hello to Pay as You Go

Yes, it sounds almost too good to be true doesn’t it? The possibility that the often complex and challenging task of calculating the licensing requirements for an application could be a thing of the past. Well, for those who choose the DataFlex Cloud it could be a reality, with traditional licences being replaced by pay-as-you-go pricing.

Thinking of moving your systems to the Cloud?

Moving to a cloud environment is much less daunting than you might think. If you’ve reached a point where you’re considering new servers, you could find the long term advantages and savings of moving an attractive proposition.